Monday, April 4, 2011

The Case of the Ex-BFF

A few months ago I decided to do the unthinkable to some a friend of my ex-boyfriend.

It all started with a simple friend request on Facebook (a website which I now despise). I sent a friend request to a friend of an ex-boyfriend. Why? Simply cause I saw him on facebook, knew who he was, and added him. Nothing more nothing less. Never in a million years did I think that simple gesture would have me high in the clouds and later down in the dirt. "this guy" accepted my request and sent me a message, a simple hey how are. Our exchange of messages was very old friends catching up. He asked me about work and school. I asked him about work and school. I asked how my ex was doing (since I hadn’t spoken to my ex in over 5 months, not cause I really cared) he said that he hadn’t really seen him. At the end of our exchange he asked for my number. I ignored the request. Why? The obvious reason. I was uncomfortable giving it to him.  He sent me an instant message when I was online one night asking me did I ever send him my number. I ignored. The next day I got another message from him saying "hey did you send me your number." He was being persistent. A trait that I admire. I halfway gave in. I said my number was still the same from when me a ___was together. Thinking well if he still had it in his phone what the hell. He wrote me back saying he never saved it. Damn. I gave in and gave it to him.

When "this guy" called me the first time I didn’t answer. Looking back I wonder why I ignored his requests and advances so much. If this was just an old mutual friend what was the big deal? He called me again. I ignored him. He then decided to text me and I made up an excuse that I was on the phone and that I would call him back when I got off. Never did. He called me the next day. I didn’t answer. Finally I guess "this guy" saw I was playing games. He sent me a text saying he was simply just trying to catch up with me but saw I was playing games. He said “if you are uncomfortable I understand just tell me you don’t want me calling you and I won’t.” That made me take notice. I saw two things in this guy that I liked already. He was straight forward and persistent. After that text I called him. We talked for 6 hours that night. Yes 6!! We connected instantly. We shared the same values. The same goals. Same spiritual mind. He agreed with my thoughts on my ex. And he even told me that although my ex considered him his best friend he really didn’t consider him that good of a friend. He made me laugh. I made him laugh. I hadn’t felt a connection with a guy that strong in a long time....maybe even never....
After that initial conversation we talked for hours every day and even texted throughout the day for weeks. Everything was good. After I saw that something was growing between him and I,  I asked him what were his thoughts on telling my ex. He said he would tell him when the time was right and he didn’t see it as a big deal as long as I wasn’t doing it to get back anyone or out of spite. I told him didn’t have the time for that (check out my blog on 25: Quarter Century Crisis). Everything was real.
I was going to be in Miami the upcoming weekend and couldn’t wait to spend time with him When I did finally make it to Miami we were together every waking moment. Everything was good until... my ex became aware.

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