Monday, April 4, 2011

About Me.

I am a 24 year old (but not for long, something for another blog) single girl living in what I feel has to be one of the most boring places in Florida, which happens to be the capitol of Florida, Tallahassee. I am originally from the always sunny, always something to do wonderful city Miami, FL. I didn’t really appreciate my hometown until after I left it. I never understood the value of having more than one shopping mall, hell, even more than one Sam's club until I moved to Tallahassee. But for some reason I just can’t bring myself to move back to Miami. But thats whole nother’ blog entry. What brought me to Tally? Easy. School. Like it does thousands of other people every year. My difference is, I stayed after my cycle of students had left. I decided to make Tallahassee my not- so- permanent, permanent home. Why? I had a job. I had a good job that I loved in a messed up economy. Didn’t want to give it up. Little did I know, the organization I was working for would tank a year after I decided to stay here. Easily, I managed to land another job that paid great but I ABSOLUTLY HATE IT! (story for another blog).
But here I am in a city with nothing to do with a job I hate with most of the close friends that I have made throughout the college years gone.....and the most depressing of them all SINGLE.

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