Monday, April 4, 2011

About this blog

I have finally accepted the fact that I am a writer. Whatever that means. It took me a while to accept but I finally have. However, I can only write about the things that I am passionate about.  My friends have been telling me to blog for years she would say someone needs to know your stories. And I would say I do not want my life to be someone else’s entertainment. Like this shit is real. This is real pain. Real tears.
Recently, I went through quite a bit of life's ups and downs that left me.... well.... pissed the hell off. I felt like doing things that a lot of women do when they are pissed off.  When I was talking to a good friend about how pissed off I was she told me you need to take that energy and focus it somewhere else. That statement did something. It left me wondering. I thought where I could focus my energy? This blog came to mind. I called up one of my girlfriends (who had told me in the past to blog) and told her that I was going to start blogging and to be on the lookout for it she said great but "tell your stories honestly and write like no one is reading"
So that’s what I plan to do. Share my life and share it honestly. I don’t want to treat this blog has a journal or diary. But just simply my thoughts.  I don’t care if I have 0, 2 or 2,000 readers.

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